Help Us Support Women and Children Experiencing a Drought: A Call to Action from the Zimbabwe Farm Project

Currently, in Zimbabwe, chickens and crops vital to their communities are dying due to the unforgiving drought gripping the country. Farmers are being put out of work and many of their families are going hungry. As we face the pressing challenge of water scarcity, we must come together to ensure the resilience of our community and the livelihoods of our women farmers. As an organization dedicated to empowering women and promoting sustainability in unserved communities, we work with farmers to create sustainable food systems and support economic independence for African women, providing a holistic approach to job creation and education. We are committed to supporting our farming community through this drought. Here are a few things we are doing to help:

We are shifting our focus from crop production to egg production. With water becoming increasingly scarce, we must adapt our farming practices to thrive in these challenging conditions. By shifting our focus from traditional crop cultivation to egg production, we not only ensure a vital source of income for our women farmers but also reduce the strain on our water resources.

We are planting trees to invest in a sustainable future. Combatting desertification is paramount to preserving our land for future generations. Through the planting of low-water-tolerant trees, we not only mitigate the effects of drought but also empower our women to take an active role in environmental conservation.

We are monitoring water levels and planning ahead. Our commitment to sustainability extends to proactive measures to safeguard our water supply, which currently holds 1,500 liters of water. With ongoing assessments of our wells’ water tables and strategic investments in additional water storage capacity, we’re taking tangible steps to ensure our community’s resilience in the face of adversity. 

While we promise to take every step necessary to ensure that none of our program’s participants go hungry, we cannot do it without your help. By donating to the Zimbabwe Farm Project, you’re not just investing in a single initiative; you’re investing in the future of our community and the sustainability of our planet. Together, we can turn the tide against drought, empower our women farmers, and build a future where prosperity and sustainability go hand in hand. Join us in making a difference today.


Celebrating Success: Zimbabwe Farm Project Achieved a Remarkable 98% Rating on Charity Navigator

Celebrating Success: Zimbabwe Farm Project Achieved a Remarkable 98% Rating on Charity Navigator

Dedicated to empowering rural communities through sustainable agriculture practices, education, and community development, the Zimbabwe Farm Project has always been steadfast in our mission to alleviate poverty, foster economic growth, and promote self-sufficiency. 

As a result of this commitment, the Zimbabwe Farm Project has emerged as a beacon of excellence, recently attaining a 98% rating on Charity Navigator. This achievement is a testament to the organization’s unwavering dedication and the immense impact of our endeavors in the community. Behind this exceptional rating is a team of dedicated individuals who have poured their hearts and souls into the organization’s missions. From the farmers tending their fields to the staff meticulously navigating finances, everyone has played a crucial role in this story of success. 

Vimbai Majoni (learn more here

Charity Navigator recognized the Zimbabwe Farm Project specifically for being highly cost-effective, working hard to receive constituent feedback, and having respectable equity practices. Receiving this rating is no small feat; it is a reflection of our commitment to transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility. Such high ratings do not come by easily, as they are the result of meticulous planning, strategic management, and above all, hard work. This award has the potential to have a profound impact on the organization’s ability to effectively fulfill our mission. A high rating on Charity Navigator not only instills confidence in donors but opens doors for new funding and collaborations. It validates the organization’s credibility, ensuring that every dollar contributed goes towards making a tangible difference in the lives of others. Moreover, in a landscape where trust and accountability are paramount, a 98% rating distinguishes the Zimbabwe Farm Project as an organization exhibiting integrity and excellence in the nonprofit sector. It reaffirms our unwavering commitment to transparency and ethical stewardship of resources.


African Poultry Project for women (learn more here

As we celebrate this milestone, it is essential to recognize that the journey doesn’t end here. The Zimbabwe Farm Project remains steadfast in its commitment to community service and transparency, continuing to strive for excellence in all aspects of our operations. We are in the process of changing our name Africa Vertical, Inc. to reflect the universal aspects of our mission and the ability to scale and replicate women’s empowerment model across the Continent.  As we look towards the future, let us continue to celebrate the incredible work of this organization and others who strive to make a difference in the world. 


There’s More! The Zimbabwe Farm Project Also Achieved a Platinum Rating on GuideStar

There’s More! The Zimbabwe Farm Project Also Achieved a Platinum Rating on GuideStar

In addition to the 98% rating on Charity Navigator, we are thrilled to be able to say that the Zimbabwe Farm Project was rated Platinum by GuideStar, the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. This prestigious recognition reflects our commitment to accountability, transparency, and impact in all aspects of our organization. In naming the Zimbabwe Farm Project as Platinum, GuideStar has recognized us for having some of the best practices in governance, financial stewardship, and program effectiveness. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, volunteers, partners, and donors who together, have made a significant impact in promoting sustainable agriculture and improving livelihoods. 

We invite you to explore our GuideStar profile to learn more about our missions, programs, financials, and impact here. If this report seems long and confusing, we’ve summarized its contents below for your convenience. 

  • Mission:

Our goal is to empower women and promote sustainability in unserved communities. We work with farmers to create sustainable food systems and support economic independence for African women, providing a holistic approach to job creation and education. In order to reflect the universal aspects of our mission, we are in the process of rebranding to Africa Vertical, Inc.

Inno Joseph 

  • What we do:

We mitigate food insecurity with organically grown produce, solar power, sanitation and hygiene, clean water, and women helping women. By creating jobs for people in rural agricultural areas, we promote sustainable solutions to address food insecurity, leveraging their traditional skills and knowledge. When provided with the skills and technology to grow food, people can pass this knowledge on to others or utilize it to start small businesses. 

Source: Toodling Studio 

  • Goals:

Expanding poultry farming to commercial-scale egg production would increase our ability to offer farming opportunities to women in underserved communities. By creating more jobs in this industry, we are working to fight poverty in countries where only an estimated 80% of people are unemployed due to the pandemic. We strive to avoid donor dependency and improve the quality of life in underserved communities by providing opportunities for them to acquire skills that they can utilize to empower entrepreneurship and economic success. 

Tony Etyang 

  • Results:

In the last _ years, we have:

  • Installed solar power systems for farming irrigation, lightning, and poultry farming 
  • Planted 100 macadamia tree seedlings to increase nut production.
  • Facilitated the annual harvest of organically grown maize, potatoes, sugar beans, sunflowers, cabbage, carrots, avocados, tomatoes, macadamia, and other vegetables.
  • Installed a water delivery system that provides access to clean water.
  • Employed hundreds of women in the community to work on the farm in a specialized capacity with poultry, macadamia, and organic vegetables.

And, in the near future, we will be:

  • Expanding our solar power to ensure that it has the capacity to power an increase in egg production 
  • Fundraising for a hydroponic greenhouse, which will serve as a sustainable method of growing plants in a controlled environment

Source: Gary Skirrow 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our supporters, partners, and the entire Zimbabwe Farm Report, whose unwavering dedication made this achievement possible. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey toward creating sustainable agriculture solutions and fostering prosperity in Africa. 

African Poultry Project for Women

African Poultry Project for Women

The women of the project need to expand their poultry farming operations for income and food security. Donate to this specific fundraiser and support the women with as little as $5 per day to help support them through the harvest season. Donate Now!

Restoring Hope and Dignity

Restoring Hope anda Dignity: Empowering Africa’s Women Farmers with Clean and Safe Sanitation.

In the vast fields of Africa, there exists a silent, untold story of courage, resilience, and hope. It’s a story woven by the hands of extraordinary women farmers who, every single day, labor tirelessly to nourish their families and communities. These women are the unsung heroes of Africa’s agricultural landscape, but behind their unwavering determination lies a hidden struggle: the heart-wrenching challenges of sanitation in the fields.

Answering the Call: A Journey of Compassion

It’s within this backdrop of adversity that a heartfelt mission is born – a mission to provide a lifeline to these women and transform their lives through the acquisition of a state-of-the-art Clear and Clean Sanitation Plant. This isn’t merely a facility; it’s a promise of safety, hygiene, and accessibility for Africa’s unsung heroes.

The journey begins with a partnership between compassionate individuals and the visionary Enviro-Loo Company. Together, they seek to make a significant difference in the lives of women farmers who have long been burdened by the absence of proper sanitation facilities.

The Power of Your Compassion

But this mission cannot be fulfilled alone. It beckons the compassion and support of individuals who believe in the transformative power of empathy. By making a heartfelt donation to this cause, you become an integral part of this narrative, with the power to:

1. Restore Dignity: Your contribution restores the dignity that these women farmers rightfully deserve. It says, “You matter, and your well-being matters.”

2. Elevate Lives: It elevates their lives by ensuring safe and healthy working conditions. Through your support, their daily toil becomes less of a struggle and more of an opportunity to thrive.

3. Create Positive Change: Your generosity creates a positive environmental impact through sustainable sanitation solutions. It signifies a commitment to a healthier, cleaner future for all.

Join the Journey: Be a Beacon of Hope

Today, an invitation is extended to you – an invitation to share your warmth, compassion, and love. Regardless of the size of your contribution, every donation brings us closer to a world where these extraordinary women and their communities can thrive, unburdened by the hardships of inadequate sanitation.

Make a Difference Today


Spread the Light: Share the Cause

Share this fundraiser with your loved ones, your friends, and your network. Together, let’s weave a tapestry of transformation in the lives of these extraordinary women farmers, illuminating a path to better sanitation for all.

A Journey Toward Brighter Tomorrows

As you embark on this beautiful journey, remember that you are not merely donating; you are becoming a part of a collective vision. A vision where the fields are not just a place of toil but also of dignity, hope, and opportunity. Thank you for being part of this endeavor, for every act of kindness brings us closer to a world of cleaner, safer, and brighter tomorrows.

Together, we transform lives. ?❤️

#WomenFarmers #CleanSanitation #EmpowerHer #AfricaRising #DonateForChange #SafeSanitation #CommunitySupport #ImpactfulGiving #WomenInAgriculture #HealthAndDignity #SustainableSolutions #BeTheChange #SupportHerDreams #TogetherStronger #HumanitarianEfforts #GlobalGoals #FarmersOfAfrica #TransformingLives #CleanWaterForAll #HopeInAction #Fundraiser

Africa Vertical, Inc.

Africa Vertical is a 501(c) 3 non-profit charitable organization . We empower women using social entrepreneurship and employment initiatives. We implement innovative, sustainable permaculture solutions and organic farming for for food security powered by technology and renewable energy.

US Location

700 12th St., N.W.
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005

Africa Location

# 135 Mazowe
Harare, Zimbabwe

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